Is Your Adult Child Moving Home With Off-Roading Vehicles? 3 Tips To Keep Them Secure And Out Of Your Garage

Having a kid move back home often brings with it a flurry of activity and rapid decision-making. While adult kids move back home for many different reasons, one common issue that families face is what to do with all of their belongings. On one hand, it might be fun to have your kid's off-roading vehicles around for some exciting family adventures. Yet, you've also got your garage set up just the way you like it. The good news is that you can create space on your property for your adult kid's toys with a portable canopy storage shelter by following these steps.

Find Out What They Are Bringing

The first thing you need to know is what they have to store. Portable storage shelters come in many different sizes. Start by asking about their vehicles and get a size estimate on each one. You can then use this information to figure out what type of square footage you need to plan for the storage area.

Plan for Additional Room for Supplies

As you calculate the space required, remember to account for extra equipment and supplies. For instance, your kid may need space to store their emergency kits or gas cans. There should also be enough space to move around beneath the canopy to get the required equipment in and out of the shelter.

Find a Space on Your Property for Storage

A canopy storage shelter is the best solution because it is durable yet temporary. Find an area on your property where it can be set up and still be out of everyone's way. Ideally, it should be placed upon a flat surface of land that has an adequate substrate for you to place the poles and support.

Make Them Responsible for the Canopy Shelter

While you might be tempted to set up the shelter before your kid arrives, it may be better to wait. Have your child participate in setting up the canopy so that they immediately take ownership of the space. Although the canopy is durable, you will need to make sure that they check on it periodically to make sure that everything is still secure inside.

You can expect a few challenges as everyone adjusts to the new living situation, and you may even have to clear out a room or two for your kid. However, you can keep your garage space for your belongings by giving your kid their own portable area to stow their favorite off-roading vehicles.
