3 Tips For Organizing A Self-Storage Unit That You’re Sharing With Your Friends

When you need a small amount of storage space, sharing a self-storage unit with some friends allows you to keep costs low. However, sharing a unit with other people requires very good organization. When everyone organizes their belongings well, it reduces the risk that they'll be mixed up between different people. If you're thinking about sharing a self-storage unit with your friends, read on to learn three tips to keep everything organized.

1. Designate a Storage Area for Each Person Using the Unit

When you're sharing a self-storage unit with multiple people, you'll need to divide the unit into separate areas. You can use tape to create lines on the ground in order to mark which person is allowed to use the area. When you're marking the areas, make sure you include a narrow space between each area that people can use for a walkway. This eliminates the need for you and your friends to climb over stored items or temporarily move them in order to access your things, which can lead to items being damaged or left in the wrong section.

If you're using shelving in your self-storage unit, you'll also need to mark who can store things on each shelf. Shelves are a great way to store loose items that you need to be able to easily access, like tools. However, the fact that the items are loose makes it easy to mix them up. Make sure that everyone is only using the shelves that belong to them in order to avoid mixing your belongings together.

2. Label All of Your Belongings With Your Name

Whenever you're using a self-storage unit, it's important to label everything meticulously so that you know what's in your boxes. You should include a detailed list of contents of each box along with the date that you stored it. Labeling your belongings is even more important when you're sharing a self-storage unit since you can mark which boxes and belongings are yours.

Without labeling your boxes, there's no immediate way to tell which person a cardboard box belongs to. Labeling your boxes allows everyone to immediately recognize their belongings, even if they're accidentally moved out of their designated storage area.

3. Seal Your Boxes With Packaging Tape When They're in Storage

You should seal your cardboard boxes with packaging tape as soon as you're done filling them. This keeps your belongings more secure, and it also eliminates the risk that someone you're sharing your unit with will accidentally leave an item in one of your storage boxes when they're sorting through one of their own boxes.

With proper organization, it's possible to share a self-storage unit with multiple people with little risk that items will end up in the wrong place. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you shouldn't store items in a space that belongs to someone else, even temporarily. If someone needs to clear out their stored belongings in a hurry, they may simply remove everything from their area without paying attention to what they're picking up. Keeping everything organized reduces the risk that you'll mix up your belongings.

For more information on self-storage, contact a company near you.
